The South Boone
Church of Christ
Learn More

About Us

This is who we are. We'd love for you to become part of our story.

mother and child laying in grass

A Church Family

We’re more than a group that simply comes together once a week. We want to be more than acquaintances. We’re a church family. We care for each other’s needs. We study in each other’s homes, and we hope that you will feel like family when you visit us.

a cross in a field

Christ Centered

Above all, we want every aspect of our work to honor and praise our Savior. His words and His example guide every step of our Christian journey. We want to share His love and forgiveness with you and help you live for Him, so that we can all live with Him in Heaven one day.

adult holding child's hands

Here for You

Anyone and everyone is welcome in Christ’s church. No matter where you are in your life journey, we are here to support you and help you. Jesus wants each of us to walk with Him and be more like Him. That starts with coming to Him just as you are. That’s what we are here for.

Featured Lesson Series

We don't have a single employed preacher at South Boone. Rather, many of our brothers share the responsibility of organizing and delivering the lessons we have during worship. Here are some of our lesson series for you to explore. Visit our blog for more.

Check It Out
the first page of the book of Philippians


a cliff overlooking a forest


a roaring lion

Our Spiritual Battle

three crosses at sunset

At the Cross

a peaceful woman sitting in front of trees at sunset

Spirit Living

a water droplet causing ripples


Our Faith

Our faith is central to everything we do at South Boone.

We believe that Jesus came to this world as God in man, and that He lived a perfect life and died on the cross, so He could the be perfect sacrifice for our sins. That faith then makes us want to be more like Him and share His teachings and love with everyone we meet.

We believe that salvation is a free gift from God and that we receive that gift when we humbly join our Savior in the watery grave of baptism. Then we are born again in His likeness, free from sin, and should strive to live faithful to His calling. To this end, we try to learn more about our Savior and His teachings so that we can walk in His footsteps and live His praise.

Bible Studies

Learn more about the Bible studies we have here at South Boone.


One Another

Men and Women

Join Us for Worship

Our Address

The Church of Christ at South Boone

3850 Whitestown Parkway

Lebanon, IN 46052, USA

Assembly Times

Sunday Mornings

9:00 - Bible Study

10:00 - Worship

Wednesday Evenings

7:00 - Bible Study & Devotional