Marketing and Desktops

Client: HighPoint Digital, LLC

These are some examples of marketing collateral and dektop images I had the opportunity to create for HighPoint. Marketing and business graphics were not my primary responsibility, but I designed a small portfolio of external marketing materials, created branding for internal corporate awards, internal desktop wallpapers, and collateral related to a corporate-sponsored conference. I also worked on sample projects and business graphics for contract bids.

corporate background featuring the Lincoln momument

corporate background featuring the capitol building and United States flag

corporate background featuring the supreme court building

invitation to a conference with minimalist, futurist design

colorful poster promoting a conference

half-page ad copy featuring an embracing mother and daughter

half-page ad copy featuring agrandfather and granddaughteer interacting

part of an informational sheet, dark blue color scheme

part of an informational sheet, primarily yellow and blue color scheme